Grace Bible Studies
Grace Bible Studies
The Grace Bible Studies Site is ran by Aaron Field of Shakopee Minnesota.

The primary purpose of the website to bring Glory to God through providing resources to those seeking the truth about the word of God. It is designed as a free resource to those form around the World seeging to hear and read great biblical materials. The current phase of the site is focused on the Restoration of Audio Sermons from the late Pastor Leonard Radtke of Heritage Trail Bible Church in McKinley Minnesota. Additional message are made available from great bible teachers including Charles Clough, Dr. John Whitcomb, Ron Merryman, Pastor Thomas Radtke, and Chester McCalley.

I hope you enjoy the site and if you ever have a question, suggestion, or have any problems with the site please don't hesitate to contant me via the Contact link on the left.

Copyright 2002 - 2019